Our services
Creating a life advantage for your newborn involves a complex web of surrogates, medical, financial and legal experts and a team guiding you through this process with a customized plan and step-by-step management of the process. Being able to rely on our surrogacy consultants to lead the team and guide you through the process with a customized plan and step-by-step management is crucial to your success.

Match Quickly With High-Quality Surrogate Candidates
We help you to identify candidates suitable to your ideal criteria. Match times are typically less than two weeks, due to our extensive network of high-quality candidates and excellent recruiting staff.
Access Candidates Not Available on Public Databases
Through our proprietary networks, we offer unlimited access to qualified and available candidates who meet your specific criteria.
Our Match Guarantee
In the unlikely event that a surrogate does not pass extensive psychological or medical screenings, we will rematch at no additional fee within a shortened match period.
The Newborn Financial Advantage
We help our clients plan carefully and manage risk for their family-building goal, whether it is for one cycle or more as well as sibling journeys.

Share Unlimited Number of Profiles
Selecting a surrogate profile can be overwhelming and emotional, especially if there are not enough profiles to draw among. Sometimes desired criteria changes with the opportunity to view from several profiles and a variety of recruiting styles. Given the vast access to surrogate profiles, we can match clients closely to desired criteria and typically in less than two weeks.
Financial Protection
Our guarantee in the unlikely event that a surrogate does not pass psychological or medical screenings, we will rematch at no additional fee within the shortened match period.
Professional Referrals
We have established strong relationships with unbiased multidisciplinary professionals across the country. These relationships have enabled us to offer exceptional professional referrals from select professionals including physicians, attorneys, financial and estate planners, and mental health professionals, where applicable.
Access to Financial and Estate Planning Consultants
We understand the importance of having secure estate plans in place prior to embryo transfer. To advocate effectively for clients, we have established relationships with financial and estate planners familiar with the issues uniquely associated with surrogacy and family planning.
Newborn Advantage Surrogacy has established opportunities to offer clients medical loans on fertility center financing through selected programs nationwide.
Financial Planning for Multiple Cycles
Fertility treatment is expensive. It is important to plan carefully for the end family building goal and not just one cycle. We work with clients on an individualized basis to address your unique situation and help balance hope with caution while addressing your individual risk adversity.
Review Existing Health and Maternity Insurance Benefits
It is essential to understand if insurance benefits exist for selected surrogate’s maternity and delivery. Using this as a starting point, we work with licensed insurance agents nationwide to pull together plans and policies to mitigate financial risk factors for all involved parties.
Negotiate hospital and OB/Gynecology rates
Insurance benefits for surrogates are often not available. Choosing and implementing appropriate policies can be expensive and time-consuming. Our consultants work closely with licensed insurance agents nationwide to address each individual situation and negotiate payment plans with hospitals and physicians for surrogate candidate’s maternity care and delivery.